To get the weapon rarity data, we simulated a world of chunks with World Editor of Minecraft (MCEdit) and calculated the generation rates of different materials such as stone, iron, gold and diamond. In the 256 block tall and 16 x 16 chunks with 65,536 blocks, the rating of generation rates is Stone > Iron > Gold > Diamond, where the possibility of finding enough stones for crafting a sword is 25 times higher than that of finding an iron, 278 times higher than that of finding a gold and 928 times that of finding a Diamond. Let’s set the cost of one time attack regardless of damages C = -ln(x), where x is the possibility of finding enough materials to craft a sword based on the possibility of finding enough stones in order to reduce the huge difference.
Weapons | Generation Rate | Effort needed to craft (Unit: effort to craft stone sword) | Cost = -ln(Effort) |
Wooden Sword | N/A | 1 | -1 |
Stone Sword | 0.0426 | 1 | -1 |
Bow | N/A | 2 | -2 |
Iron Sword | 0.0015564 | 25 | -3.22 |
Gold Sword | 0.00014801 | 278 | -5.36 |
Diamond Sword | 0.0000528 | 928 | -6.83 |
Analysis of the weapon durability data indicates that the rating of durability is Gold < Wood < Stone < Iron < Diamond. Let’s set the durability of gold sword as the basic case. The durability of wooden sword is 2 times longer than that of gold sword; The durability of Arrow is 10 times longer than that of gold sword; The durability of iron is 7.6 times longer than that of gold sword; The durability of stone is 4 times longer than that of gold sword; The durability of Diamond is 47 times longer than that of gold sword. After considering the HPs of normal mobs (zombies would be killed by 5 times of close attacks) and the damages of different weapons, we set the maximum times of a weapon usage Umax = log(3y) * 20, where y is the durability of different weapons based on that of the gold sword to reduce the huge difference.
Weapons | Durability | Attack Damage | Maximum times of usage = log(3*Durability) * 20 |
Wooden Sword | 60 | 4 | 16 |
Stone Sword | 132 | 5 | 22 |
Bow | 384 | 6 | 30 |
Iron Sword | 251 | 6 | 27 |
Gold Sword | 33 | 4 | 10 |
Diamond Sword | 1562 | 7 | 43 |